This rider wanted a bike that could take him out on his long bikepacking adventures with comfort and the ability to carry lots of equipment. It was decided to go with 29+ wheels for the added rolling speed and comfort from the bigger rubber on gravel roads and trails. The front triangle was also made as large as possible so that a very large frame bag could be installed to carry lots of gear.
A custom fork was built to match the frame geometry and included lots of different mounting options for racks, water bottles and fenders! The final piece of the puzzle was a custom rack made specifically for the fork. This rack was designed specifically for long bikepacking trips where a dynamo light was required. Depending on the gear that was going to be strapped to it, the light needed to have different mounting options. Going with a simple dry bag on top, the light could be mounted on the side of the rack where an included removable roll cage was built to bring protection to the light. If micro panniers were needed, the roll cage can be removed and the light mounted on the front of the rack.
Have a look below and follow along on this amazing build!

Front triangle tubes all mitred and fit in the jig ready for installing braze-ons then tacking and welding.

Front triangle tubes with all of their braze-ons installed.

Front triangle all welded up.

Beautiful rainbows at the head tube junction welds!

Chain stays welded up.

Seat stays welded up along with rack and water bottle mounts.

All welded up and ready for paint!

Fork fit up in the jig ready for tacking and welding.

More rainbows at the fork leg and steer tube junction.

Fork all welded up and ready for paint! Notice all of the accessory mounts!

Rack starting to take shape.

This extra loop is the dyno light roll cage. It is also removable!

All pieces together ready for paint!

Glossy metallic silver decals on Lazer Rootbeer powder coat!
Look at all that metallic flake!
Ready to be packed up.

Outdoor shots.

Handmade in Canada!